Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Revise the Calendar

Between the abbreviated school year and the lack of national holidays in honor of our other major religions, it is time to change the calendar. This eve Olbermann pointed out the irony of Dr. Rice's praise of Iraq's inclusion of Christmas as a national holiday, while the only national religious holidays the USA observes are Christian.
So let's add some alternate religious holidays--and a few secular ones too. Simultaneously implement year-round school with quarterly holidays. Savings from educated students, more efficient use of infrastructure and the boosts in shopping for holidays. Or heck, I'll get all flowery eyed, holidays could promote community-family support activities. Some of y'all would bbq but plenty could find delight in showing the local park some love.
A loss in reduced hourly salary.
I just think time away from work builds selves, families and communities.

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