Wednesday, August 1, 2012

NOT Live Coverage is why the Olympics suck! 
    Sports are best live. Watching Olympics and commercials pass by.
here's what's weird:
Silhouette of man rising out of water on butterfly stroke looks exactly like ovaries. Hello Leonardo

The USA version of the most popular worldwide brand is built on showing a child AKA competitor self-swaddle in blankie.;

Swimmers get out of water and they are not wet...huh?  Team set a record,Schmitt got out of pool. did not need chamois, she was dry. Water gone. No team member wet in aftermath of relay race. Swimmers do not get  wet...

NBC Olympics Suck. So many sports so much navel gazing.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I gave up on NARAL back in 2009 when they rolled belly-up instead of fighting to have abortion covered under 'Obamacare'  Yeah that grand compromise which probably will be rendered moot by the Supreme Court and rallied the anti-choicers to push and win further restrictions on access to abortion.

I wrote them and said I was done supporting another lobby.  I want my pro-choice money to go to the folks who are working tirelessly to provide choices to women.

I just found someone to send my hard-earned $$.

A clinic’s landlord turns the tables on anti-abortion protesters

The abortion conflict has become a way of life for Stave. He’s not just a landlord. The clinic was operated by his father, who was a doctor. Then his sister managed it.
“I’ve been a member of this fight since Roe v. Wade, since I was 5 years old,” he said. The office was firebombed when he was a kid, and protesters gathered outside the family home as he was growing up. So he’s no stranger to the harassment and bullying of doctors and their families.

WTF!  Children's Claritin Grape Chewables-20 tablet box is $25 at different stores in NYC & NJ!  Again WTF!  I found a receipt from April 2011 for grape-flavored liquid Claritin on sale for $3.19.  Not a perfect comparison but I find the discrepancy suggestive of price gouging in this awful allergy season.

Claritin 2012: 20 chewable tablets $24.99 = 10 doses (2 tab per dose)

Claritin 2011: 4 0z Children's Liquid Claritin = $3.19 on sale = 11 doses (10 mL per dose)

Via the ever fascinating Reddit, a new type of nuclear fuel that is abundant and can be used safely?  I will have to watch this video a few more times to understand.

Monday, January 26, 2009

WNBC shame

Sue Simmons brings us out of weather report at 11:18 with "Our newest online debate shouldn't be too tough to swallow. We're asking people "Which local hot dog is your favorite? Do you favor Xhot dogs or Yhot dogs? Let us know at just search "golden local". " cue music, a deep breath, she switches to hard news--but aww it is out of sequence--confirmed by Chuck who quickly walks us to national promo. Now cruising commercials annnnd- middle-of-the-break, appears follow-up hotdogdog 2.0 commercial. This time encrusted with channel logo.

Twisted how commercials are incorporateD. Is it legal? Doesn't license require that commercial speech be set-off clearly from programming, by 3 second-bumper not simply a hipster-ly subject.

In the long run, it is the news brand that loses value--not the pseudo-masticated meat product. Mmmmm I do love me some pseudo-masticated meat product.