Thursday, March 29, 2012

I gave up on NARAL back in 2009 when they rolled belly-up instead of fighting to have abortion covered under 'Obamacare'  Yeah that grand compromise which probably will be rendered moot by the Supreme Court and rallied the anti-choicers to push and win further restrictions on access to abortion.

I wrote them and said I was done supporting another lobby.  I want my pro-choice money to go to the folks who are working tirelessly to provide choices to women.

I just found someone to send my hard-earned $$.

A clinic’s landlord turns the tables on anti-abortion protesters

The abortion conflict has become a way of life for Stave. He’s not just a landlord. The clinic was operated by his father, who was a doctor. Then his sister managed it.
“I’ve been a member of this fight since Roe v. Wade, since I was 5 years old,” he said. The office was firebombed when he was a kid, and protesters gathered outside the family home as he was growing up. So he’s no stranger to the harassment and bullying of doctors and their families.

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